Saturday, May 26, 2012

Female Magazines: Feminist Dilemma

               Nowadays information is one of the important things in this world. One of many ways to get information is through media. Media itself is a tool to get and to deliver information for others. Especially mass media, mass media is a communication tool which simply made from print media (newspaper, magazine, book, etc), electronic media (television and radio), and online media. Even for this era electronic media and online media are more interesting than print media, but they can’t change the print media position in world. One of the print medias is magazine.
            In magazine, we can find so many informations and entertainments. Before a magazine is published, the manager will determine first who is the reader target, For example is female as the reader. Female magazine is special magazine for women, even some men also interested in female magazine. Usually in female magazine, it contains some information like life style, life tips, insprating stories,  also science.
            But, not always positive side is seen from female magazine. There is a dilemma, magazine (mass media) is considered as one of ways to exploit women. In one side, magazine is good for women because it can give more information to get more knowledge about world, but in the other side, magazine is exploiting women as capitalism product. Why exploiting women for capitalism product? Women is considered as interesting object to be a target for marketing product. Not only  as interesting target but also as interesting object to be a product.

            If we see from female magazine, especially in Female Magazine, it serves many information, but the most interesting thing from the magazine is fashion/life style rubric. From the cover, we are served with the portrait of beautiful women, and most of the trending articles in cover are about fashion, from how to be a more beautiful women, how to get the better body, the newest fashion, eventhough some title also serve other information, but almost all of them are about fashion and life style. 
            From brief explanation above, here can be seen, mass media has particular purpose commercially behind its attention for women. Also  it can be conclude that there is a stereotype negative view. Where women are described as shopaholic and love something which can make them more beautiful. From the magazine itself, it uses women as the interesting object  to be sold. With the sexy body and the minim clothes, women look like just a loss leader product. Capitalism really takes full control of women role in economy.


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