Monday, December 26, 2011

If the qur’an can speak

When you are still child, you are my true friend
With wudlu you touched me in pure condition
You touched me, you raised me and you read me
You read me with soft voice or loud voice every day
After that, you always kiss me with so close
Now,, you are an adult person..
Seemingly, you are not interested in me…
am i an old book that lost in history…??
In your opinion, maybe when you read me, i don't increase your knowledge
Or I am just for a child who learn to read me??

Now, you hold me so neat until you forget where you hold me..

You consider me just as decoration your home
And sometimes you make me as bride price in order to you are considered devoted..

Or you make me to charm to scare off ghost or devil

Now,,I am eliminated from your life, and you let me in loneliness

Above the table, inside the drawer, or you hid me…

in the the morning..the surah that inside me, you read some pages
In the evening, you read me in a noisy group with your friends in the mosque…

Now…in the morning while drink a read newspaper or watch news in tv
In use the time to read book from human..

Whereas I’m that content verses came from Allah the one courageous
You threw me out, you ignore me and you forget me…

at the time when you go to work, sometimes you forget to read basmalah
on the way you prefer to enjoy music
nothing cassette that content Allah’s verse can be found in your drawer car..
all the time in the road, your radio always directed to your favorite station radio
I know that is not station radio that always read my verse..

In your table, there is no me to you read before you work
In your computer, you turn your favorite music
Very seldom, you turn my verses
Email from your friend that there are my verses, sometimes you neglect it
You are too busy with your affair..

it's true my guess that now you do forget me
When the night come, you are able to hang out for hours in front of TV
Watch the match of italia, music or film
In front of computer for hours you stand to sit
Just for to read of a cheap short news or scum of picture...

time go too fast, i become more and more dull in the drawer
covered with ash and dust
i remember, only the beginning of Ramadhan you read me
even only a few pieces of me
with a voice that is not beautiful as in the past


MYVEE SHOP said...

impressive +100!

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