Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sakura no Hana

who ever heard about Japan, i'm sure that they will remember about Sakura no Hana. can you guess it, what is Sakura no Hana? Sakura no Hana is the most beautiful  flower in the world, at least in writer's opinion :)

Sakura no Hana just appears in the spring season in Japan, with white or pink flower and lifes without leave. wow, i can imagine what a beatiful flower it is. so, you must be can guess what is Sakura no Hana. Yeah, that's right, Sakura no Hana is Cherry Blossom, or usually is known as Sakura.
Cherry Blossom has important prominent icon of Japan for many centuries. every people always remember Cherry Blossom if they remember Japan. 
Cherry Blossom is also special symbolization in Japan. Cherry Blossom is due to their nature of blooming and for the ephermal nature of life. an aspect of Japanese culture is often associated with Budhhist influence, which is embodied with the concept of mono no aware. where in the 18th century, there is a scholar, his name is Motoori Noriinaga, he make an iterpretation about Cherry Blossom. in his opinion, the extrem beauty and the quick death of Cherry Blossom is symbol of mortality.

the more special thing of Cherry Blossom is Hanami, Hanami is the special time to enjoy the bloom of Cherry Blossom, or we can say that as Cherry Blossom viewing. the Jpanese always celebrate the party with their friends, their family, and their soulmate. i'm sure in spring time, Japan is so warm, where the weather of the season is so warm with the beautifulness of Cherry Blossom, and the warmness from Japanese feeling in that time

may i can life with Cherry Blossom besides me, forever :)


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