Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hanami..hanami..hanami.. Let's talk about brief explanation of Hanami ^^

Hanami literally means 'flower viewing', but it commonly refers to 'cherry blossom viewing'. Cherry Blossom blooms in the end of March to early May. Cherry Blossom forecast is called Sakurazensen, where the weather bureau announce when Hanami happens, because Hanami can be enjoyed when all Cherry Blossom trees bloom.

The history of Hanami itself was started one thousand years ago (Nara Period 710-794), Hanami in that era not only for viewing Cherry Blossom, but in Heinan Period (794-1185) Cherry Blossom (Sakura) came to attract more attention, and that made people argue Sakura is synonymous of Hanami. From then on, in Tanka or Haiku (Japanese Poetry) 'flowers' mean 'sakura'.

Today, the japanese people continue the tradition of Hanami, it is like picnic party under the blooming trees, people gather to enjoy Sakura while they eat, drink with cheerful feast.

Enjoying Hanami not only in day, but also in the night. Viewing Sakura in the night is called Yozakura. many decorative electrice lanterns are hung in the trees for evening enjoyment.

a form of ancient Hanami also still exist in Japan. where this kind of Hanami (enjoying the plum blossom) is populer among elder people. because it more calm than Sakura party, which usually involve younger people, that sometimes can be more noisy and crowded.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ai Uta

GReeeeN_Ai Uta *my favorite love song ^^
(English Version)
"to the person I love most" Listen for a moment without laughing
Although saying "I Love You" is kind of corny
Those are the only words I can express
See? You're laughing at me again

I can't say if you were right to choose this path with me, but

Just being able to be next to you
As you laugh, and cry, and spend these days
Becomes my meaning in life
This song of love I dedicate to you

"Hey, what did we talk about that day?"
We acted like strangers the day we first met
After that, a lot happened..and at times, we even fought
We spent that time in order to understand each other

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sakura no Hana

who ever heard about Japan, i'm sure that they will remember about Sakura no Hana. can you guess it, what is Sakura no Hana? Sakura no Hana is the most beautiful  flower in the world, at least in writer's opinion :)

Sakura no Hana just appears in the spring season in Japan, with white or pink flower and lifes without leave. wow, i can imagine what a beatiful flower it is. so, you must be can guess what is Sakura no Hana. Yeah, that's right, Sakura no Hana is Cherry Blossom, or usually is known as Sakura.
Cherry Blossom has important prominent icon of Japan for many centuries. every people always remember Cherry Blossom if they remember Japan. 
Cherry Blossom is also special symbolization in Japan. Cherry Blossom is due to their nature of blooming and for the ephermal nature of life. an aspect of Japanese culture is often associated with Budhhist influence, which is embodied with the concept of mono no aware. where in the 18th century, there is a scholar, his name is Motoori Noriinaga, he make an iterpretation about Cherry Blossom. in his opinion, the extrem beauty and the quick death of Cherry Blossom is symbol of mortality.

the more special thing of Cherry Blossom is Hanami, Hanami is the special time to enjoy the bloom of Cherry Blossom, or we can say that as Cherry Blossom viewing. the Jpanese always celebrate the party with their friends, their family, and their soulmate. i'm sure in spring time, Japan is so warm, where the weather of the season is so warm with the beautifulness of Cherry Blossom, and the warmness from Japanese feeling in that time

may i can life with Cherry Blossom besides me, forever :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's Create Our Better Future ^^

wow...that's the most important word that i'm going to spell it every day..every hour..every moment..
hmm..i'll greet you all before my readers read my blog..
how's life in the third day of 2012..?? i hope you all always do well in every chance..ameenn.., we will talk about better future, in your mind, what's the better future?
i'm sure that most of you must think about your better future, yeah..every people must have better future, no matter what past moment you have, no matter how you dissapointed because of your past,, you must have your better future.
future.,everyone know that future is something that will be going to happen, future can be destiny, can be something that you hope it happens in your life.
in writer's opinion, future is one of the most important things that we must have in our life. without future, people will not have destination of their life, they will not know for what they life, what they will get in their life, and what their dream.
then, i'm sure all of us have our better future, no one wants to have bad future, even a robber, he must think that  someday he also will be a good person.
the better future can we get with introspection ourselves first. we can see from inside our selves what we must change it to get better thing. and then, we can start to make changes from it, from a bad thing, little by little we change it into a good thing, i'm sure you will get better LET'S CREATE OUR BETTER FUTURE TO BETTER LIFE \^.^/